About Us
Established in
The DDL Group has operated in the Architectural Openings Marketplace striving to be the leading provider of architectural, security, fire and life safety product solutions.
Our regional coverage today includes Western Canada, Yukon, Northwest Territories; not to exclude our involvement with projects at the national and international level. Today our full circle experience provides industry related design services including specification writing, consulting, inspections, product solutions sales & manufacturer relations. Experience also includes Executive Level Management and Ownership since 1983.
Through our value-added service package, we offer specialized consulting, third party project management, security, door inspections along with knowledge-based support of product solution partners.
Our scope includes Doors, Frames, Builders Hardware, Security, Electric Locking Systems, Access/Egress Control – wired and wireless deployment strategies, Building System Monitoring and Integration.
Our Mission

Our Objectives
Relationship building with our manufacturers, addition of new alliances or role players,
Providing Value and Earning customer respect and loyalty
Utilizing today’s technology to continually improve upon information delivery, efficiency, accuracy and effectiveness.
Conduct day to day business in a professional, ethical, confidential, and courteous manner.
Best Practice Education, seminars and presentations to stake holders
Value Added Package
Project Team

Don Lopatka, AHC/CET/FDAI
Founder / Project Team Lead

Casey Choma
Related Education
•We believe that offering this package supported by the resources of 36 plus years in house industry experience, provides great value to our client base.
•accredited Architectural Hardware Consultant (AHC)
•Fire Door Assembly Inspector (FDAI) of the Doors and Hardware Institute (DHI)

Western Canada & The Territories